Quick Valentine’s Day gift ideas for her

Quick Valentine’s Day gift ideas for her

Posted by Julie Kailus on

One of the toughest things about this entirely made-up holiday is celebrating Valentine’s Day without the cheese factor. Roses, chocolates, prix fixe dinner: It’s all so expected or over the top—and many times not what we want at all. 

The best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, in our humble opinion, is to keep it simple, genuine and, most importantly, personal. Roses might say “I love you” to the masses, but do they really acknowledge how cool the person you’re with really is? Instead they might be communicating, “Oops, I forgot about you until the last minute and this is what I came up with." 

However if you like to wing it, there are plenty of thoughtful things and sweet ways you can still make a statement. Here are some simple gifts that will say a whole lot more than a dozen from the grocery. 

Fresh spin on flowers.

Since we started with flowers, let’s give you some fresh options. Many women really do love fresh flowers, often because they rarely splurge on something like this for themselves. Plus, something fresh in the middle of winter is a pleasant pick-me-up. So flowers can be an awesome Valentine's Day gift, but, again, make it genuine and personal.

Skip the traditional roses and get the buds that your significant other really loves—lilies? irises? peonies? If you don’t know, ask her friend. If you still don’t know, hit up a local flower shop to what’s hip or to whip up a modern succulent-plant setup that will last throughout the year.

Look hard, and you find some red ones—even some with leaves that look like hearts. Stick a handwritten note in them and you’re golden. 

Sunnies say sexy.

You knew we were going to go here, but seriously, sunglasses are a fine choice for a Valentine’s Day gift. Check out some of Nectar’s most popular selections here. Hey, we even have some in pink, like the Rizz.

That said, sunnies alone may be a little one dimensional, so consider pairing shades with something even more personal—a custom screen-printed T-shirt she can wear with her sunglasses; a handmade “coupon” for a day at the beach or surf getaway; a sexy beach cover-up; some fun flip flops in a bright color—and maybe a foot rub to boot?

Cash in on quirky custom.

Here’s a way to light her up: Be thoughtful. With a little planning (and, OK, a two-day rush charge if you need it), you can procure a Valentine’s Day gift that will melt her heart from the sheer thought that went into it. The key is nailing something that’s a little quirky and unexpected, but that will stay with her for the long haul.

Dial in her top likes—the outdoors, art, cocktails, cooking, music, etc. Then explore options in that genre at a local gift shop and or original online gift outlet like Uncommon Goods. Etsy, of course, is awesome for more custom ideas, if you’ve got the time. Or how about tapping an artist friend—woodworker, painter, DJ? Pay a pro to give your gift that something special. 

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